Regular Meeting

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 - 7:00 p.m.

Deer Trail Town Hall


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of the Minutes

    A. September 2, 2003 Regular Meeting

5. Public Participation

6. Reports

    A. Water/Sewer

        1) Readings

    B. Financial

    C. Safety Committee

    D. CDBG Grant

    E. GMS, Inc. Sewer Project

7. Approval and Payment of Bills

8. Unfinished Business

    A. Water/Sewer Permits

        -Bill & Ilene Allison

9. New Business

    A. Liquor License Renewal

        -B.P.O.E. #2307

    B. Dangerous Building Complaints

    C. Appointment of Dangerous Building Officials

    D. Personnel Policy

    E. Wastewater Sampling Equipment

    F. Petition for Annexation

10. Correspondence

11. Adjournment