Tentative Agenda Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - 7:00 p.m. Deer Trail Town Hall
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Approval of the Minutes A. September 7, 2004 Regular Meeting 5. Public Participation 6. Reports A. Water/Sewer 1) Readings B. Financial 1) 2005 Budget C. Sewer Project D. CDBG Grant E. Safety Committee F. Sales Tax G. Municipal Court 7. Approval and Payment of Bills 8. Unfinished Business A. Resolution 04-14 - Appropriating Additional Sums of Money - Sewer Fund B. Trailer Bids C. Arapahoe County Open Space Agreement D. Pickup Repairs 9. New Business A. Jockey Club 1) Rodeo Grounds Historic Designation 2) GOCO Grant B. Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Drainage Grant C. Road Striping D. Sewer Line Replacement E. East Ridge Addition Water Lines F. Elks 1) Liquor License Renewal 2) Donation Request G. November Meeting Date 10. Town Clerk's Report 11. Trustees' Comments 12. Adjournment