Tentative Agenda Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 7:00 p.m. Deer Trail Town Hall
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Approval of the Minutes A. June 1, 2004 Regular Meeting B. June 15, 2004 Special Meeting 5. Public Participation 6. Reports A. Water/Sewer B. Financial C. Sewer Project 7. Approval and Payment of Bills 8. Unfinished Business A. East Ridge Addition Street Lights 9. New Business A. Water Service - 608 First Ave. B. Business District Signage C. Resolution 04-06 - Workers' Comp Opt Out D. Resolution 04-07 - Supplemental Budget E. Resolution 04-08 - Arapahoe County IGA F. Ordinance 218 - Amending Ordinances 201 and 202 G. 2003 Audit H. Summer Baseball Donation I. Building Permit 10. Staff Reports 11. Trustees' Comments 12. Adjournment |