DEER TRAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 7:00 p.m. Deer Trail Town Hall
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Approval of the Minutes A. July 5, 2005 Regular Meeting 5. Public Participation 6. Reports A. Water/Sewer 1) Readings B. Christmas Decorations C. East Well Pump Replacement D. Town Clerk's Report 7. Approval and Payment of Bills 8. Unfinished Business A. CDBG Asphalt Paving Project B. Gravel Purchase C. Sewer Project 1) Fence at 125 Ivy St. 2) Pay Request D. Kunkel Development 9. New Business A. Ordinance 226 - Creating Sewer Enterprise B. Resolution 2005-01S - Authorizing Issuance of Revenue Bonds C. Ordinance 227 - Authorizing Issuance of Revenue Bonds D. Signature Cards E. Gated Pipe Bids F. Road Maintenance/Mosquito Spraying G. Housing Authority Commissioner Appointment H. Trustee Appointment 10. Trustees' Comments 11. Adjournment Posted August 1, 2005 |